Making Money on Facebook

Making money on Facebook is one of the principal objectives outlined in “The Social Networking Business Plan with Onefineham.” Facebook is and has been one of the most revolutionary platforms in the internet world. Nowhere before has a platform connecting people together been so universally adopted – and as a result presents AMAZING marketing power for those willing to roll up their sleaves a little and learn the tricks to making money on Facebook.

Opportunities for Making Money on Facebook

There are numerous opportunities to make money on Facebook, mainly because the site is scalable on what appears to be an infinite level. When you create an account on Facebook, you can have as many friends as will accept you. You can retain as much or as little anonymity as you want. You can participate as much or as little as you want – the entire platform is at your or my disposal to use as we please… and that my friends, creates opportunity.

How to Take Advantage of the Features on Facebook to Make Money

One of the most important features (other than your basic account itself) is the ability to create and promote pages on the Facebook platform. The problem you run into however is that there are only so many pages you can create and manage/update at one time. This is where The Social Networking Business Plan comes in handy. The 47-page PDF shows you how to create and update pages in a way that allows you not only to leverage your efforts in making money on Facebook, but it also shows you how to tie in all your promotional efforts into MySpace and Twitter too!

The Key to Making Money on Facebook Is in the Pages

Once you have created a page on Facebook you have established a beach head for making money. Facebook will automatically send updates you make to your page to your profile which your key friends will see and be able to promote via their pages and profiles. All you have to do then is keep making sure fresh content is getting to your promotional pages. The problem you run into of course is that you need to have many many pages established in order to start making money of any significance. The key to being able to make it all manageable is by learning how to automate as much of the process as possible.

That is what we cover in The Social Networking Business Plan. We are not concerned with you making money on Facebook. We are concerned with the ability to make SIGNIFICANT money on Facebook and other similar social networking platforms. We teach you how to get pages setup once and then automate the process of driving content to them, which is how you then drive traffic to them. Pick up a copy today.

You Also Get Maximizing Your Website Traffic!


What About Getting More Traffic?

Fear Not! We’ve taken care of that with not one, but TWO top guides on driving traffic to your website!
First you’ll read Maximizing Your Website Traffic.
In Maximizing Your Website Traffic, you’ll get great tips on increasing your traffic without spending a boat-load to do so, including:

  • How to drive traffic to your websites more effectively
  • What drives repeat visitors to your website
  • A secret way to get traffic
  • Stop working for Google and get Google working for you
  • The top 5 ways to generate low cost traffic
  • How to use web directories effectively to boost traffic
  • How to use cutting edge scripts to help with your traffic building

Don't Know What SEO Is? No Problem, We'll Show You!

But What About SEO?

It’s not enough to write great content and have all the answers. You have GOT to do everything you can to make sure your pages are easy to find and grab the attention of not only readers but search engines too. Here’s what you’ll find inside 101 Basics to SEO:

  • What in the world is “link structure”, and how can it help your site?
  • What is the proper usage of keywords on your website, and how can you optimize things to keep the search engines happy?
  • How should you choose your keywords…choosing the wrong ones may not bring the traffic you expected!
  • Does your content reach out and pull people in…it should!

How to Promote Facebook Page Sites

Do These Simple Steps to Increase Your Facebook Page Likes

Facebook fan pages are the latest and greatest new thing in Social Media Marketing. Does your business have a Facebook fan page presence but not as many fans as you would like? Maybe you’re not doing everything your can to increase your number of fans. We here have created a special short guide to help you make sure you’re doing the simple things needed to lock in your fans. Best of all, you can get this FREE with your purchase today of The Social Networking Business Plan with Onefineham.

Here Is Some of What to Expect in How to Promote a Facebook Page:

  • Tips on setting up your page and business accounts
  • Tips on setting up your first page
  • Critical must have features
  • Tips and tricks to capture more fans
  • Promotion ideas to get your network snowballing

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